Who is the Champion in Speedfishing?

29/05/2018 16:36


There are a lot of different techniques for fishing competition but there is one which surely is a game changer when fishing certain venues, Speed Fishing.

Not all anglers like this type of fishing but all those practise it do say that they are the best. This year our Club has decided to organise an OPEN League for Speed fishing based on 2 matches solely for this type of fishing and in doing so finally we shall get to know who is the real BEST in speed fishing Locally.


Match Dates shall be 9th June & 7th July. Duration of Match shall be 3hrs and competitors can bring their own groundbait and bait. The only fish valid during these matches shall be bogue, bobin, zabbri and damsel fish. Registration fee shall be of Euro 10. The competitor that has most weight shall win the coveted Fast Fishing Champion for the Year 2018 and apart from the trophy wll have a Euro50 voucher redeemable at our main Sponsor MisterFish!

Those interested need to contact Jonathan Vella or Andre Borg by not later than next Tuesday 5th June.