The KSFA Doubles League 2014

30/04/2014 08:04

12 teams have been registered for the 2014 Kingfisher Doubles League.


Marshalls list will be as follows ..... 


Chief Marshals:

Match 1: Roberto Bugeja/Adrian Nelson

Match 2: Saviour Borg/ Kevin Cassar

Match 3: John Attard/ Joe Schembri

Match 4: Andre Borg/ Darren Stafrace

Match 5 (marshals match): Jonathan Vella/ David Collins



Match 1: Jason Saliba/ Joe Ellul

Match 2: Jonathan Aquilina/ James Gilson, Jonathan Bonnici/ Jamie Bonnici

Match 3: Brian Farrugia/ Sandro Zammit

Match 4: Clayton Camilleri/ Charlo Borg

Match 5 (marshals match): Steve Johnston/ Pierre Poulton, Josef Cassar/Miguel Grech


Very Important!!


After the argument risen during the singles league as regards to members not attending for any reason, their marshalling match, the committee decided that any team not attending for the match in which they should have been marshals, will be given 7 points. In the case that only one of the team does not attend, for the marshal’s match only the one who attended can fish during the competition with the possibility of using two rods.

If someone does not attend his marshalling match that should have been the last match (marshal’s match), they/he/she will be subject to decision taken by the disciplinary board, as stated in the rules and regulations of the club.


During the meeting it was decided by those attending and the committee members present, that venues may not be given immediately, so that the committee can arrange any venue according to the weather forecasted or other situations or permits achieved to decide for each match from a pool of venues that was discussed.