Summer 2016 Events

21/09/2016 21:42



The marathon Mit-Tfal ghat-tfal has come and gone, and what a success it was, where close to 50 children took part in this great event to raise funds for Qalb It-tfal in aid of the Intensive care unit in Mater Dei. 

Our young lads and lasses fished for 3 hours and in the process catching a great variety of fish, big and small, mainly sea bream and even some nice sized mullets. At the end of the day all fish were released.

The sum collected was the nice sum of 1032 euros.  

KSFA would like to thank Marscala local council and all of those who contributed in any way and of course all our young participants who without which such an event would not have been possible.

The main sponsors for this event were: Tubertini Malta, Misterfish, General Soft Drinks, Marscala local council and You Shop we Ship.

We would also like to thank Denci fishing Club who donated the sum of 50euros. Thank you all!


Upcoming events: Next Sunday the 25th of September 2016 heralds in the beginning of the all-time favourite League. Yes ladies and Gents I am referring to the Mullet league. This year we shall be seeing the return of some of KSFA`s veteran anglers who last year did not participate and also some new ones, which we warmly welcome. This means that over 22 mullet anglers will be taking part, it`s going to be a tough one and that’s the way we like it!

The first match will be held in Masaxlokk with the alternate being St Georges Bay Birzebbugia. Our anglers will be meeting at 0600 to fish from 0700 to 1100hrs.


Immediately following will be the now customary 3 day tournament, which will be held between the 30th Sept and 02nd Oct 2016. The venues should be: Match 1 night match: Boiler wharf Senglea (subject to permit), match 2 afternoon match: Il Foss  Valletta and match 3 morning match: Manoel Island.

Registrations are still open, please visit KSFA`s facebook for more details and on going news.