KSFA Doubles Match 4 - Report & Results

Aaron Xuereb & Maverick Mugliett clinch 1st place by their teeth

Today was the turn of KSFA’s Doubles Match 4. This  was held on the quay below  the Corinthia Marina Hotel at St. Georges Bay Paceville.We wish to thank the management for their kind permit.

It was a slow match where bites were rather shy. We all expected to catch some gilthead bream, but amazingly not a single one was caught! First place today went to Aaron Xuereb & Maverick Muliette with 1.75kgs, in very close 2nd place we had Andre Borg & Jonathan Vella with 1.71kgs, followed by Fortune Calafato & James Gilson with 1.33kgs. Section winners were Mario Marlow & Clayton Camilleri and not to be outdone although fishing alone John Attard.
At the moment Aaron Xuereb & Maverick Mugliett have a good first overall position were they have taken just 3 penalty points from 3 matches meaning that in their last match that they shall fish if the manage to earn just 1 point they will be crowned automatically KFSA doubles League 2019 Champions. 2nd and 3rd place are open up to almost 6 teams were they are seperated with just 2 points between them. Mario Marlow & Clayton Camilleri have a slight advantage although it must be noted that whilst they still have to fish 2 matches, Fortune Calafato / James Gilson & John Attard / Joe Schembri are just 1 point and 2 points respectively behind but they need to fish just 1 match only.
A big thank you to our main sponsors for this competitive Doubles League:
  • Angler Thinkfish Match & Overall Vouchers Sponsor
  • Marindex Biggest Fish Trophy Sponsor
  • Al Legna Pizzeria all Matches & Overall League Trophy Sponsor.

Next match will be a National Fed league match on the 17th March. Best of luck KSFA!