KSFA Colmic Doubles League 2021 Match 2 Report

30/05/2021 13:00

Carmelo Quattrocchi & Miguel Grech Hit Gold

After the forced Covid break, doubles match 2 was held today, at the Sliema Ferries.
It was a very exciting match, with some super decent fish landed, which included a Gilt head Bream (Awrata) of 1.30kgs ably landed by Alessio Seracino on a. 10mm line. In the meantime Miguel Grech and Carmelo Quattrocchi were having a field day with the parrot fish seemingly in a feeding frenzy, ending up 1st overall with a whopping weight of 6.67kgs.
They were followed by another great weight of 4.70kgs by James Gilson & Fortune Calafato for 2nd place, this time the mullets were the protagonists!
In 3rd place another good weight of 3kgs, this time with a nice mixof fish, we find Ray Farrugia & Rodrick Coleiro.
Section winners were Alessio Seracino & Angelo Curtona, and Saviour Borg & Kevin Cassar. Well done to all including all the Marshalls for an excellent match. Next match Singles Match 1 on the 13/06.
A huge thank you to our main sponsor. Angler Thinkfish & Colmic Italia Spa, Al Legna, and Marindex Trophies.